
Friday, October 1, 2010

Seals gains support of liberal and conservative PAC's

One month from election day and the candidates for Illinois’ 10th Congressional District are neck-in-neck when it comes to fundraising but when tallying endorsement and special interest groups, Democratic candidate, Dan Seals, boasts a comfortable lead in this video clip. Republican Bob Dold is struggling to follow in the path of his Republican predecessor, Rep. Mark Kirk who had the support of 12 interest groups that currently endorse Seals.                                                                    
The endorsement groups supporting Republican candidate, Bob Dold, speak great lengths about his efforts to appear to voters as a social moderate. While he supports a constitutional ban on gay marriage, Dold supports some civil rights for same sex couples like entering into contracts and hospital visitation, for example. On the topic of abortion, Dold considers himself “pro-choice” with exceptions. Likewise, Dold asked that the conservative pro-choice interest group, called Eagle Forum, retract its endorsement. Former Congressman John Edward Porter, a popular moderate, now also endorses Dold. Such support should work to Dold’s advantage in his efforts to deter any signs of extremism. The interest groups in support of Dold also reflect him as a fiscal conservative candidate. As I mentioned in a previous blog, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce endorses Dold as well as Rudy Guiliani and the President of Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist.
Democratic Candidate Dan Seals is endorsed by several socially moderate groups helping him to mirror the values of the voters in Illinois’ 10th Congressional District. This is one of many articles emphasizing that Seals is completely pro-choice, without any of the stipulations that Dold holds. Supporting Seals are pro-choice organizations including NARAL and Planned Parenthood. Environtmental organizations also endorsing Seals include the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters. It seems like Seals has won over the interest groups concerned with the major issue of job creation and the economy. Several labor unions back Seals such as Communications Workers of District 4, Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois, Illinois Federation of Teachers and several others.
If PAC’s are any indication of who might win the voters’ approval in this “toss-up” election, Dold’s efforts to demonstrate his socially moderate and fiscally conservative character may not be enough.

Want more information? The Chicago Tribune interviewed both candidates on various topics.


  1. This is really interesting, I love the idea of looking at which PACs are endorsing and donating to the candidates. I'm especially fascinated by Dold refusing the Eagle Forum's endorsement. It seems like the general trend in the Republican Party is to select very conservative candidates in primaries this season. The Republican voters in this district must be quite moderate on social issues to pick a pro-choice candidate this year.

  2. I understand that these PAC's are endorsing these candidates but which ones are donating money and how much of it? For example did Eagle Forum donate any money to Dold before he asked them to no longer endorse him? Overall a good summary of the candidates positions and the PAC's they're supported by.

  3. This article makes it very clear that PAC's can be highy influencial in any election. It is very interesting to me that they former Republican representative, Kirk, was able to gain the support of so many groups that Dold, the current candidate, cannot. I'd like to know what is so different about their platforms and beliefs and what Dold is doing to gain the support of social moderate groups. It also should be interesting to see if he loses voters who supported Kirk in past elections because of this.

  4. A great place to see which PACs are endorsing what candidates and how much they are donating is They provide a lot of information about this and will be very helpful in answering your questions. After reading this blog I wonder how large of a role PACs play in a campaign and if they are by any means an indicator of who may win an election.
