
Friday, September 10, 2010

Illinois' 10th Congressional District

The 2010 election for the Representative of Illinois’ Tenth Congressional District is the Nation’s only absolute tossup for a currently Republican seat. This District’s seat is crucial to the Democratic Party’s effort to maintain majority in the House. The present Representative, Republican Mark Kirk, is running for Senate, thus enabling a highly competitive race between Democratic candidate Dan Seals and Republican candidate Bob Dold. This District has elected a Democrat to Congress only once since the Civil War, however, the fact that Seals is running for the third time is advantageous for the Democratic Party. Comprised of Chicago suburbs, Illinois’ 10th District is home to several Fortune 500 companies and is one of the wealthiest congressional districts in the U.S. today. Historically notable at both the national and local levels, this particular election prompts widespread media coverage and extensive campaign spending.
Despite its Republican tendency in Congress, this district has voted for the democratic candidate in the past three Presidential elections; a byproduct of candidate centered congressional elections. Democratic candidate Dan Seals is well known in his district and perhaps, has a more promising chance of winning the seat than when he ran against Kirk. Seals has molded his platform to satisfy the expectations and match the ideals of the typical voter in Illinois’ 10th district. Media coverage and campaigning commercials on Seals have helped to build his reputation and visibility to voters since 2001 and are expected to be highly influential in the final weeks before Election Day.
Presumably, republican candidate Bob Dold is a suitable match for the District’s republican standard; fiscally conservative and socially moderate. Both candidates hold similar platforms addressing jobs and the economy as well as Social Security. On the issue of healthcare, however, Dold strongly opposes the recently passed plan while Seals believes that expanding coverage is a necessity. Yet Seals and Dold share the view that cost reduction and quality healthcare are vital elements of the healthcare plan that demand immediate attention.
Will Dan Seals’ reputation and perfected platform be enough to outshine new comer Bob Dold in this candidate centered election? Or will partisan loyalty trump candidate platforms to continue the Republican reign of the 10th Congressional District of Illinois?


  1. I personally believe that considering many states have already filed suit on Obama's health care bill that Seals will have a tough time winning in this district over Dold. Because this district encompasses many Fortune 500 companies and has been strongly Republican for a significant time period I honestly do not think a moderate Republican like Seals will win the seat.

  2. Interesting comment... however, you've mixed up the candidates - Seals is the Democratic candidate and Dold is the Republican who is socially moderate and fiscally conservative
